Magical Winter Wonderland: The backdrop features a mesmerizing ice castle design, creating a fairy tale atmosphere for party guests of all ages. The cool, icy tones and reflective elements create a visually stunning backdrop, ideal for photos and enhancing the aesthetics of themed parties like Frozen, Ice Princess, Girls' Winter Birthday, Elsa, etc.
Wild Applications: Apart from being a door cover, this backdrop doubles as versatile decor. Hang it on walls, use as a photo booth background, or position strategically to enhance different areas, creating a cohesive, enchanting ambiance. For festive events, weddings, photo studios, family parties, hen nights, etc.
Notice: With hang holes and a pole pocket. Stand not included. You can: 1. Blu-tac/stick it to hang on the wall; 2. Hang with a hook on the wall or curtain rail; 3. Use the pole pocket to hang on a photography support stand (as a photo display).
Size: Approximate 84x60inch (7x5feet)
Material: Vinyl. Durable seamless, reuse, not reflective.
Model Number: 4882
EAN: 8381314736055